Friday, December 14, 2012

Nearing the End

My feelings about leaving are bittersweet. I love being here and enjoying this experience in Kenya but I am very ready to go home and see my family and friends. I don't think the sadness about leaving will hit me until we have to actually leave camp on Sunday. Directed Research presentations went really well. It was less stressful than I thought and there was a decent turn out. My group presented second. One of our staff members was a translator for the presentations which made the presentations about 40-45 minutes compared to the 20 minute presentations we prepared. After the second presentation we provided everyone with sodas as a break/intermission (this is really common during long activities or presentations in Kenya, it seems). We provided lunch after the final presentation. I got to see my Maasai mama that I stayed with for my homestay. It was great to see her again but the communication barrier is very difficult. It was a great day and a great experience. On another note,  it is awkward to be doing all of these closing activities because I'm not feeling as sad about leaving as everyone else is just yet. We will see what happens on Sunday when leaving gets really real.

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